About this site
This purpose of this is to create a hosting environment that's somewhat similar to one an internet user would see in 1999. It's not intended to be a full on replica, because that would be a lot of effort and quite dangerous on the modern internet.
To replicate a vaguely 1999 experience this site runs on:
- FreeBSD 14.1. Not Linux, Serious Internet People didn't use Linux in 1999. At least not without flamewars on Usenet.
- 1 CPU core and 512MB of RAM. An ISP would have a machine like this, but my CPU is _way_ faster
- Apache HTTPd 2.4 with mod_include, mod_userdir and mod_cgi
Of course since it has to run on the modern internet it uses modern versions of software and uses SSL.
A note on Apache HTTPd
The naming of the Apache webserver and the associated software foundation is problematic, but it's used here as it was widely used in 1999, is still maintained today, and supports technologies that most other modern web servers do not, such as server-side includes and CGI.